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Income & Resources

Question 1:

Without any State Supplement, an SSI beneficiary will receive a monthly SSI payment of up to $943 per month during calendar year 2024. The beneficiary will receive less than $943 if they have countable income.
Answer: True

Question 2:

The SSI program defines income as items received in cash, or in-kind, that can be used to meet a person’s need for food, clothing, or shelter.
Answer: False

Question 3:

SSI’s Student Earned Income Exclusion allows a full-time student who is under age 22 to earn up to $2,290 gross in a month or $9,230 gross per year in 2024 without any of that money counted as income.
Answer: False

Question 4:

If a recipient moves into an apartment and wishes to furnish it, the SSI program will want to see an inventory of the furnishings and their approximate value.
Answer: False

Question 5:

If an SSI beneficiary gets a $5,000 gift to pay college tuition and 4 months later uses it to pay tuition and other college-related costs, the $5,000 gift will be considered an exempt resource for the 4 months before its use.
Answer: True