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Medical CDRs & Age-18 Redeterminations

Question 1:

Only adult SSI beneficiaries, age 18 or older, are subject to a medical Continuing Disability Review (CDR).
Answer: False

Question 2:

An Age-18 Redetermination determines whether the beneficiary’s condition has medically improved since the last time it was reviewed.
Answer: False

Question 3:

SSA will put a hold on future medical CDRs if a beneficiary is being served by a State VR agency with a signed Individual Plan for Employment (IPE).
Answer: True

Question 4:

If a medical CDR finds a 15-year-old SSI recipient to be no longer disabled, Section 301 will allow the youth’s SSI to continue so long as the youth continues receiving special education services based on an Individualized Education Plan (IEP).
Answer: False

Question 5:

A 20-year-old who still attends high school with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) can use Section 301 protections only if they can show that finishing school is likely to make them ineligible for SSI in the future.
Answer: False

Question 6:

Starting to work will trigger a medical CDR.
Answer: False