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SSI Exclusions for Building Assets

Question 1:

An SSI recipient cannot have more than $2,000 in countable resources.
Answer: True

Question 2:

An approved PASS allows the recipient to set aside and exclude income and resources to meet expenses related to a vocational goal.
Answer: True

Question 3:

A person receiving Social Security and SSI disability payments can set aside their full Social Security payment (less the $20 General Income Exclusion) in an approved PASS and qualify for a full SSI payment.
Answer: True

Question 4:

An ABLE account is available only if the individual’s state of residence has established an ABLE program.
Answer: False

Question 5:

If a parent pays an SSI recipient’s monthly rent, the SSI benefit amount can be reduced because it is an “in-kind” payment.
Answer: True

Question 6:

The SSI program exempts no more than $30,000 of assets in an ABLE account.
Answer: False