Social Security Overpayments
Case Studies
Case Study 1: Rochelle’s Overpayment
Rochelle gets an overpayment notice dated one week ago. SSA claims Rochelle was overpaid for work activity from June 2022 to September 2022. Rochelle has copies of receipts for therapy visits and medication copayments that she submitted to SSA with her pay statements for those months. These should have been counted as Impairment-Related Work Expenses (IRWEs), but SSA failed to apply these IRWEs when calculating the overpayment.
Think about it. What needs to happen?
Rochelle should appeal the overpayment decision right away. If the IRWEs reduce her overpayment, but she still owes some money, then she can request a waiver for the remaining balance. Rochelle reported her wages. She was not at fault in creating the overpayment. If she cannot afford to repay the money, then SSA should waive the remaining overpayment balance.
The takeaway
Work incentives planners can help with overpayment issues. You can appeal, request a waiver, or ask for a payment plan depending on the situation.