Medicaid & Work
Quick Facts
- In 41 states, a person getting SSI automatically gets Medicaid.
- In Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, and Virginia, SSI recipients must apply for Medicaid.
- If a person works and the SSI payment is reduced to $0, the person can get continued Medicaid coverage under 1619(b) Medicaid.
- 1619(b) coverage requires that the person still meet the SSI unearned income and resource rules, that they meet the Medicaid use test. It also requires that their earned income is below the state’s 1619(b) threshold, and they can request an individualized threshold.
- If someone is in 1619(b) status and their wages go down, they can get SSI payments again by reporting the change to Social Security.
- Even if a person is not eligible for 1619(b) Medicaid, they could be eligible for Medicaid Buy-In, if their state has a Medicaid Buy-In (MBI) program.